Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The journey begins...

Ok...so I had this idea to start blogging about my weight loss journey...I am not really sure why, maybe just to keep myself from slipping and stopping...like that would happen with my 17 year old around...lol. Anyway, I used to weigh about 130 pounds and I stand 5'6" tall....not bad! Then at the age of 14 I got pregnant...gained to 161 pounds...had the baby...it's a boy...hint hint...the 17 year old mentioned earlier lol....yay...anyway lost all the weight - no biggie. Skip ahead I am 17 years old, married - not the ideal marriage...lost weight and looked skinnier then the olsen twins on crack ( no offense - not saying they are on crack - just a visualisation tool there). I weighed probably around 110 pounds soaking wet, fully dressed, with combat boots on. We are talking about needing to jump around in the shower just to get wet skinny...eating disorder...bad marriage...and HEY....I got pregnant again...probably the only thing that saved my life then. However, I had so many complications in the pregnancy I wound up on bedrest from like my 1st trimester until giving birth...yeah...it was great...I wound up weighing 180 pounds by the time I gave birth to baby boy number 2...who by the way is now 14 years old! Then I lost down to 150 pounds....hurt my back at work...the doctor thought it was the muscles so he pops me with trigger point injections (for those of you who have no clue what this is..it's pure steriods injected straight into your muscles)...I went from 150 pounds to 220 in literally 1 week! All the doctor can say is OOPS...and thus begins my hell! After this I got pregnant one more time with baby boy number 3, but hey guess what...due to the back injury (which, by the way, wasn't the muscle) I am limited in exercise! I have a herniated disc with a lesion in it at T9-T10. The thecal sac has ruptured in towards my spinal cord and has calcified and rests on the left side of my spinal cord. I didn't like the way the pills that the doctors put me on made me feel so I pulled myself off the meds and now take Ibprofen and Tylenol OTC for pain as needed. Anyway...back to the other stuff...due to the back injury, the steriods, the lack of exercise, the depression that is a result of the afore mentioned things, the food used to comfort the depression of the afore mentioned things....I got to be where I was 3 weeks ago...sitting at 276 pounds, being diagnosed with high cholesterol, being told I am at a very high risk of having a heart attack, and having other health issues...I AM 32 YEARS OLD! My parents beg me to lose weight....and yeah...I am scared, But in the last 3 weeks...I have lost 16 pounds! My 17 year old walks with me and pushes me to go further and do more...his inspiration...Bob from the biggest loser...although he likes to threaten me with calling Jillian...she is fun to watch on TV...I really wouldn't want her in my face though! She's one tough cookie! Ok...bad choice of word on a weight loss blog....so umm....replace cookie with Woman! So...I will attempt to keep this up.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss! I used a blog to stay accountable a little over a year ago and it really helped. Best of luck!
