Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Ok..well I haven't exactly been blogging here lately...i know i know...shame on me! There has been so much going on...it's crazy. The drill sergent and I haven't been working out...or counting calories...which the calorie part really hasn't been an issue for me...I eat meat, but honestly could live without it. I (for some odd reason) have never really cared much for meat. My husband swears I could live off of broccoli...and yes...I am pretty sure he is correct...my absolute favorite veggie ever!

However, I am finding that along this "journey" I am wanting to clean out other areas of my life as well...not just shedding the weight...I feel as though there are things in my life that are trying to keep me where I am...that are holding me back.

For one...we need to get rid of some animals around here...I feel like I am running a zoo! At the moment we currently have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 6 ferrets, 2 hamsters, and a hedgehog. 4 of the ferrets are my ex-husbands that he was supposed to be buying the supplies for and taking care of and hasn't - so they are now in need of a new home (as I can't afford to keep them). 2 of the dogs need a home - 1 dog the owner abandoned in front of my ex-husbands house...tied him up on a 5 foot lead and left him...no food...no water...so i brought him home with me so he could be taken care of until i could find another place for him...and the other one is our big dog who is 1/2 german shephard and 1/2 lab - while we love him dearly - things have not turned out as planned and i would love to find him a home in the country where he can run...the poor baby...i just don't have the yard he needs.

Second off...I would love to clean out my closets (literally)...and now I hear Eminem singing in my head...I'm sorry momma...anyway...

Third...I am sure that by now all of you have seen the TV show hoarders...well...I live with one...my husband. Only...he doesn't only hoard certain things...he hoards EVERYTHING! So I have to wait until he is not home to get rid of stuff...the problem with this...he has been unemployed and living a hermetic lifestyle for almost a year now. He rarely leaves his computer chair other to smoke his cigarettes (and this only because I have forced him to go outside to smoke - I quit over a year ago and my youngest child is asthmatic). He actually freaked out over the price of things..."can you believe that a box of sugar babies costs $1.49!" Yeah...it's been that way for awhile now. Anyway...back to the issue...can't really get rid of things with him around...and it is practically impossible to live your life with someone like this without getting sucked down into their muck right along with them.

Forth...well...honestly...I am not really sure here.

Anyway, I know I haven't exactly talked about the exact topic of weight loss here tonight (err...this morning), but this is what was on my mind. I am sorry if you all have not enjoyed this...hopefully back on track soon.


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